Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Still here

The news is I am still gluten and sugar free and I am not keeping up on my commitment to walk every day.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I'm back........I Ate French Fries.


Horrendous weekend and I am just now (Thursday) able to write about it.  Warning:  There is nothing uplifting about this story and I am going to whine....a lot!

The story starts on Friday afternoon which is when I intended to start the four to five hour drive to Richmond, Virginia.  To do this, I am going to have to drive through our nation's capital, Washington, DC.  Absolutely daunting at any time of the day or night.

I found out that our very first baseball game will not be until 9 p.m. Saturday night!  I immediately postpone the trip to Saturday morning, fully knowing too many people will be driving South of DC to the beaches.  I will deal with it, I think.  This move saves us a night in a hotel room and we can sleep in our own beds.  I'm doing well.

On Saturday morning, we skated through DC to Northern, VA, .....uh-oh.  Now we are stopped in bumper to bumper traffic and people in the HOV lanes are flying by us.  Frustrating.  We finally make it to Richmond at about 2 p.m.  My son's team wins all of their games and are in the championship game scheduled for 8 p.m. Sunday night!  We finish at 11:30 p.m. and I think it will be a good idea to drive two hours to get north of DC to avoid Monday morning rush hour.  We will stay on Kent Isle, Maryland, Garsonville.

However, my GPS refuses to take me through Washington DC toward Annapolis!  It just couldn't find it's way.  After the third time around the Washington Monument, I ignored the GPS, turned North on 495 and drove home for the next three hours, angry, tired and upset.  We arrived home at about 4:30 a.m.

Food:  Over this grueling, physically demanding chaotic weekend (did I mention the heat?  95 degrees 100% humidity?) I was trying to stay on my food plan, but after the late game Saturday night I ate french fries from McDonalds, I had no resistance to ordering them.  That is one of the items I promised not to eat for my 96 day reduction effort.  I am so disappointed in myself.

Exercise: I have not been able to exercise this week because I am completely wiped out physically by this experience.  I can't wake up in the morning and when I do I am in physical pain.  And, the heat is unbearable.

Trying to keep positive.......

Saturday, July 13, 2013

BAD night.

I have to report a very bad night.  There was nothing I could do to stop the food thoughts last night.  I think it's biological (hormonal).  I came very, very close to eating something not on my food plan-refined sugar! Candy!  I-wanted-CHOCOLATE.  I thought maybe if I had some dark, dark chocolate in the house, I would have allowed myself to indulge.  To soothe the craving, I over ate on things I am allowed.  Very dangerous behavior.  But not as dangerous as sugar and refined carbohydrates.  There was just nothing to satisfy my craving, finally I went to bed.

Many people would say "What harm's a little piece of chocolate going to do?"  I can tell you that at my weight and with my history, it is always the start of the next year-long binge.  I just can't have it.  I know my body.

Exercise:  Nice fast paced walk yesterday.

Food:  Well, NOT good.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

More exercise!

There are some great work out moves at this link:

I hope to add them into my routine this week.  It's been raining so much here, I need to have an alternative to going outside for my walk.  And when winter comes, an indoor workout seems like a good plan.

All of the moves in the article seem very workable with the equipment I have at home.

Finding inspiration!

Add a Bicyle

I really beat a craving for sugar the other night by eating dried apricots.  I have to remember that one!  They do have a lot of sugar, but at least it's not refined sugar and has some redeeming nutrient value.

Things are good.  I walked again on the beach yesterday, came home and hopped on a bicycle for a nice ride. Great!!!   I love the shore.  The Jersey shore.  It's home.

Food is good.  I could be eating a lot more fresh vegetables.  But I have managed to stay away from sugar, flour and fried foods.  It's going well.  The weight is not falling off, but this is all I promised myself - to cut out the junk.  Let the scale fall where it may, I can only be true to a food plan that is not too restrictive.  It won't work otherwise.  I like to eat!

It was raining this morning, I was groggy and achy, and had a funeral to sing.  I didn't walk yet today.  I should do it....still raining.

Back At It!

Holidays can be very hard on my schedule.  When I am trying to stick to a routine, holidays throw me for a loop.  Routine and schedule are really helpful when I am trying to lose weight.  In fact, losing my  routine is usually what makes me fall off the wagon, give up, then gain weight.

So, it has been five days since I last walked.  Friday - early baseball, Saturday - I don't  walk on the weekend.  Monday- a real story!  4:00 am wake up call to take hubby to the airport.  Only a few hours sleep because I let my son's friends sleep over - and I use the term "sleep" loosely!  Monday was a mess.  So, I used that as an excuse not to walk.

Today, I am again at the beach!  I am so lucky to have access to a beach house that let's me take advantage of a change in my walking routine.  Their was no hard sand today because it was high tide.  That makes walking a little more challenging!

Food:  Good.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Not Losing Fast Enough

I am at THAT point.  24 days into the new eating plan and my psyche says "Is this over yet?  Have we lost all the extra weight?"  NO, we haven't, not even close.  So, no - body, - you cannot start eating the bad stuff you are craving like a crack mama.  Keep eating whole, natural foods and you will reach the goal you have set for yourself.  So, you're feeling a little bloated.....DON'T GIVE UP!!!!

Exercise:  NONE.  Maybe this is why I am feeling a little frisky about food?

Food:  A little too many complex carbs yesterday.  Maybe this is why I am feeling a little frisky about my food?

In just 24 short days, I am already feeling and looking better.  I will not give up now.  Imagine the transformation come September?  It will be awesome!